

どの様な反応だったのでしょう? まとめてみました。

1.Wired マガジン




Is Nintendo’s New Switch Lite Really a Switch?

Nintendo’s long-rumored smaller, cheaper version of its popular Switch was officially announced today. But should this new device, named Switch Lite, really be called a Switch?

The Lite is more portable. It’s about a half-inch shorter, an inch wider, has a smaller screen that measures 5.5 inches. Nintendo says the battery should last about an hour longer—between four and seven hours, up from a maximum of six on the bigger Switch. Also, the Switch Lite will cost $200, which is $100 cheaper than the standard Switch.

Wanna Switch?
In a late 2017 financial presentation, Nintendo executives said that roughly one half of Switch owners were using the device as intended by playing in multiple modes; either docked to a television or in handheld and table-top mode, away from a TV. It also said that roughly a third of Switch owners spent almost all of their time playing in either handheld or tabletop mode and rarely connected the device to a television.

For a majority of Switch owners, the ability to play in multiple configurations was a big part of the device’s appeal. That feature has also been Nintendo’s main marketing message, right down to the name of the system. But by cleaving its Switch user base into those who can play on a TV and with Joy-Cons and those who mostly can’t, there’s a chance that game developers may not make games that creatively use features exclusive to the dockable version, like HD Rumble and motion control in the Joy-Cons.


「任天堂のスイッチライトは本当にスイッチの後継機と呼ぶのにふさわしいものだろうか? ライトは運びやすくなるし従来より$100安くなるが、スイッチの本来の魅力を維持することができていない。任天堂の調査では50%以下のスイッチ所有者が他のゲーマーとプレーしているが、1/3の所有者は携帯機器として使用しテレビに接続して遊ばないことが判明している。一方で多くのスイッチ所有者にとって、テレビや携帯機能など様々な形態で遊ぶことができたのがスイッチの魅力だった。任天堂ラボなどの導入でこれまでテレビゲームで遊んだことがない層も取り込むことに成功した筈だったが、任天堂の売り上げに大した影響は無かった様だ。今後ゲームメーカーはスイッチのユニークな機能を使って体感的に遊べるゲームの開発はしなくなるだろう。 スイッチライトはスイッチの後継機と言うよりも、3DSの後継機とみなした方が良さそうだ。 ただ、3DSよりもファミコンやスーパーファミコン時代に発表されたゲームで遊ぶ機会を増やしているのでその点についてはスイッチライトを評価しても良いと思う。」


IGN.comはビデオゲームを中心としたいくつかの娯楽に関する報道を行うWebサイトを運営するIGN Entertainment社によって運営されるサイトです。

かつては、ニューズ・コーポレーションの子会社でしたが、2015年時点ではZiff Davisの子会社です。


“Adding Nintendo Switch Lite to the lineup gives gamers more color and price point options,” said Nintendo of America President Doug Bowser. “Now consumers can choose the system that best suits how they like to play their favorite Nintendo Switch games.”

Nintendo Switch Lite Details: A Proper D-Pad
The Nintendo Switch Lite is smaller than the original Nintendo Switch, has no kickstand, and does not support video output to TV, so features no dock or HDMI cable.

The Nintendo Switch Lite is designed specifically for handheld play and features built in controllers with an actual connected d-pad, as opposed to the separated one featured on the Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Cons.

Nintendo Switch Lite: Improved Battery Life
The Nintendo Switch Lite also features a battery life of 3-7 hours, a slight improvement over the original’s 2.5-6.5 hours.




バッテリーの寿命が従来2.5〜6.5 → 3〜7に大幅向上。」

3. Polygon.com




Surprisingly, Nintendo did not reveal the Switch Lite at E3 last month; instead, the company held off until mid-July.

What colors will the Nintendo Switch Lite come in?

The standard Nintendo Switch Lite comes in three colors, and they are oh so pretty. Consumers will get to choose between yellow, gray, and turquoise.

How does the Switch Lite compare to the original Nintendo Switch?

Nintendo’s redesign of the Switch for the Switch Lite was built with a focus on portability. The new console weighs 0.61 pounds, nearly 31 percent lighter than the original Switch with Joy-Cons attached. Oh yeah: The Switch Lite does not have detachable Joy-Cons. Instead, the controls are built into the device, with a proper D-pad on the left side. This means that there is no “HD Rumble” feature for the controllers.

The Switch Lite is only a portable console. It doesn’t support the Nintendo Switch dock, and it cannot be hooked up to a television. Its touchscreen is smaller, too — 5.5 inches rather than 6.2 inches — with the same 720p resolution.

Nintendo told Polygon that the Switch Lite “no longer has an automatic brightness sensor, although users can still control brightness manually.” According to Nintendo, the Switch Lite has “slightly” improved battery life compared to the launch model: 3-7 hours, depending on the game played.

Oh, there’s a Pokémon special edition Switch Lite?

Yes, Nintendo will sell a Pokémon Sword and Shield-themed Switch Lite that has a Zacian and Zamazenta decal on the back. It will also cost $199.99. It’s not a game bundle; the package will not include a copy of Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield, which won’t be released until Nov. 15.






4. The Verge

ザ・ヴァージは、Vox Mediaが運営するアメリカ合衆国の技術系ニュースサイト及びメディアネットワークで2012年に5つの部門でウェビー賞を受賞したことがあります。

グローバルランキング1,243位 月間アクセス数1億1千5百万

There are a number of improvements with the Switch Lite. It’s significantly lighter, for one thing; I played with one for around 20 minutes, and the difference was noticeable, particularly when you pick up an original Switch afterwards. The Switch Lite also feels more sturdy since the Joy-Con controllers are now part of the device. The controller layout is largely identical on the Lite, though the new Switch has a proper d-pad, replacing the not-so-precise directional buttons on the original.

It’s also just a really nice piece of hardware. The Lite comes in multiple colors at launch — yellow, grey, and turquoise — as well as a special light grey Pokémon Sword and Shield edition, and they all have a pleasant matte texture that feels great to hold. And while the screen is slightly smaller, it didn’t bother me much during intense battles in Breath of the Wild. (Despite the change in size, the resolution for the Switch Lite’s display remains the same 720p as the original Switch, though it no longer has a brightness sensor, so you can only adjust the screen brightness manually.)

But that new design does come with some tradeoffs. The most notable is the inability to connect to a television; that flexibility has been a large part of the Switch’s appeal. Similarly, the built-in controls and their lack of detachable controllers, HD rumble, and IR sensors creates some small compatibility issues. If you want to use motion controls to catch monsters in Pokémon Let’s Go, or play a game like 1-2 Switch that requires them, you’ll need to purchase an additional pair of Joy-Con separately. Currently, all Switch game packages specify when titles are playable in portable mode, and Nintendo says similar labels will be applied to the digital eShop. If you attempt to purchase a game that’s incompatible with the Switch Lite from the eShop, the company says you’ll receive a warning.





RIP online users, now even more kids will play as far away from their router as humanly possible


NO RED!? What’s the deal!? I I’m with you, HMK.

赤色が無いなんて信じられない! なんでだ?

I’m more upset by the lack of a purple switch


Waiting for the PRO version, bigger screen, OLED screen and better battery, and CPU.


Looks Ok, though. Might just get it (‘cause it fits my budget better. :p)

安くなって嬉しい 😀

Only an half an hour more battery life??? Nintendo whyyyyyy you kinda screwed the pooch on that man…

30分バッテリーの寿命が延びただけ・・・? なんやそれ?

ゲームの操作性が大幅に向上され、安くなったことが大きな売りだけれども、スイッチというモーションセンサーを用いた体感型ゲームが使えなくなるのでこれをスイッチライトと呼ぶべきなのか? 3DS後継機と呼ぶべきでは無いか?という議論がなされています。


6. まとめ








メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です







